Friday, 19 November 2010

Quantitative Easing Explained

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) raises margins on commodities again

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) is continuing its assault to stem the speculation on commodities that threaten to go parabolic due to the Fed's QE2 and subsequent inflation.
Last week, silver took a plunge immediately after the CME raised margin rates 30% from $5000.00 to $6500.00, and it is affecting other commodities such as copper as well.
Today, the CME is again raising the margin rates and this is explained by Tyler Durden of Zerohedge.
If at first you don't succeed at killing the higher beta stock short hedge, try again. The CME has just raised its margin requirement on silver again, bringing maintenance margins up from $6,500 to $7,250, after hiking it less than a week ago for the first time and preventing silver from surpassing $30. Of course, why the CME is raising it more after the spot price of silver is now far lower than where it was at the first raise is a good question, but is most certainly due to the exchange's "risk mitigation" concerns, and has nothing to do at all with the intent to continue killing PM prices. Far more importantly, the CME has finally relented and also raised gold margins, as we had expected. The new maintenance margin is up from $4,251 to $4,500, a minimal increase just to allow the CME to have the option (and making speculators well aware of this) of hiking rates again at any point it so chooses. All in all, all is now fair in fighting excess record liquidity. Look for a second round of imminent margin hikes in cotton, sugar, coffee and wheat, as the exchanges are suddenly very concerned about what retail margin collapses may mean for the non-existent wealth effect.

Lower prices ?  : )

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Saturday, 16 October 2010


Hi Viewers,

The Gold page/ blog is now fixed & working, as it was down for a few months.
I will be monitoring the blog more often to make everything is working okay.

I will also be updating all the blogs with regular posts, containing : News, trends, breaking / unreported news  & investor information etc, so stay tuned.

Thank you for visiting Precious Metal Investment.

Monday, 11 October 2010

WIN SILVER BULLION! 'Why Gold & Silver?' Giveaway

Friday, 5 March 2010

Why invest your money in precious metals

To put it simply all things go in cycles.
Not a single investment whether it be stock, antiques, gold, houses, etc are the best or a good investment all the time.
The easiest way to see what the best investment is at any one time is to do research & look at history to see what you should have invested in.

Now to put this into context with precious metals, the first thing to understand is the worlds currencies are paper money. They are not backed by real investments / assets anymore (See gold standard)

If you collected all the money that existed in the world each year, you wouls always end up with more money.
This means that as the years go by, the values of everything increase, as there is more money in existance.

This is inflation.
As you will have heard on the news, due to the credit crunch many countries are now forced to create new
money (Quantitive easing etc) to help ease the crisis in the financial markets, but means that the values of these currencys will fall as investor confidence dissapears & finds itself into more stable and REAL assets.